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America's Natural Wonders

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

It didn't take me long in my new marriage, to realize that men are really from Mars! Jeff is the kindest sweetest man and everyone so loves him, but what you don't see is that he is very smart! He knows most of the answers on Jeopardy, especially about world history and geography, things I have pushed back in my brain to provide endless room for creative thoughts where I, being from Venus, prefer. Jeff's attention span for the tv is about a 2 with 10 being the highest, so the channels are always changing. We all adapt for survival, so Pinterest soon became the island I retreat to in the evening, tuning out the tv, and providing myself endless new discoveries and learning opportunities.

As I came across photographs of incredible natural wonders throughout the amazing planet we enjoy, it didn't take me long to discover that America has no shortage of these miracles of nature, like Jacob's Well in Texas (pictured at the right, with it's 120 foot abyss. Despite it's incredible beauty, eight people have died in this deep crevice over the years, but that has never slowed the number of people who seek its beauty.

Deer Creek Canyon, Arizona; Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah; Gulkana Glacier, Alaska

We are surrounded with beauty in nature if we just open our eyes, explore, and embark on little journeys to discover all earth has to offer. You may find some of these exceptional sites right in your own town. To the left is Bellwood Quarry, on the West side of Atlanta, Georgia, and was the site of some of the scenes in the Hunger Games.

Consider exploring America's natural wonders if you are planning an adventure this summer. Many of these extraordinary settings have been encased in our natural parks, but many more can be found in remote areas, hidden away like buried treasure. With a little research, you can find them.

Regardless where your journey takes you,...

May your search through Nature,

lead you back to yourself.

In the slide show below: Drakes Crack, Point Reyes, CA; Victoria Beach, Laguna, CA; Emerald Pools, Zion National Park, Utah; Glory Hole, Ozark National Park, Arkansas; Ginnie Springs, Florida; Badlands National Park, South Dakota; Horseshoe Bend, Arizona;

There is so much more to see! Go to:

How many of these American Wonders have you seen with your own eyes?

What must-see places that you journeyed to would you recommend to everyone?

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