Orange has never been my favorite color! I first realized this when in kindergarten, a classmate always painted with orange and navy blue together. Yuk! But later, my mother designed her living room in the 70s in black, white, leopard and bittersweet. I fell in love and I am to this day with bittersweet ... not red, not orange, but in-between. And my favorite color to combine with bittersweet today is turquoise.
It's amazing how we evolve on our life's journey. It seems that the colors of fall decorating are changing right now with turquoise being the new in-color for fall, along with soft greens and off whites. It seems we are yearning for lighter more happy colors and fall, and maybe we just want to celebrate fall instead of blend right into the trees. Regardless, we always need to make decorating for any season what causes our heart and senses to sing and brings with it the calm we desperately need today.
Even though orange is not my favorite color, it is a vibrant color and evokes emotions that shoot right to our soul. And you can't deny that Mother Nature truly loves the color orange.
I learned how much color means to us when my friend, Ann Osborne, gave me a copy of Hailstones and Halibut Bones by Mary O'Neill. With Christmas coming up, I want to suggest again that this inexpensive little book is a must have for any child or grandchild, especially those who are learning their colors. It will also be a beloved little gift for every creative person who has colors flying from their minds and heart to their papers and canvases. Know that color is so much more than a hue ... it's a feeling.
I want to share The Color Orange from Mary's book...
Although orange is not my most favorite color, I do appreciate its place in nature and want to celebrate it with you. Enjoy the show...
OK, maybe I don't really hate orange. Maybe I actually have grown to like it. A little... Maybe a lot.
Questions. Share with our readers!
How do you used orange in your home? Send us photos of your orange decor!
If you were writing another line to the poem above, what would it be?
Do you dress in orange? How does it make you feel?
What feelings emerge when you see orange?
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